TrustLogo is a way to provide trust and confidence to your website visitors. The TrustLogo graphic not only provides a visual confidence boost in your legitimacy, but employs unique technology to allow website visitors to quickly validate your right to display a TrustLogo and to easily view your credentials, as verified by a trusted third party. By simply pointing their cursor at your TrustLogo, a real-time request for validation of your identity is made to the IDAuthority®. Your credentials are returned in a dynamically generated 'certificate' providing peace of mind to your website visitors. Further credentials are made available should they be required by the visitor - thereby ensuring your customers have all the critical details at hand to do business with you
Sectigo Trusted Site Seal FAQ
What is TrustLogo®?
TrustLogo is a way to provide trust and confidence to your website visitors. The TrustLogo graphic not only provides a visual confidence boost in your legitimacy, but employs unique technology to allow website visitors to quickly validate your right to display a TrustLogo and to easily view your credentials, as verified by a trusted third party. By simply pointing their cursor at your TrustLogo, a real-time request for validation of your identity is made to the IDAuthority®. Your credentials are returned in a dynamically generated 'certificate' providing peace of mind to your website visitors. Further credentials are made available should they be required by the visitor - thereby ensuring your customers have all the critical details at hand to do business with you
Why should I have TrustLogo® on my website?
The lack of confidence in the real identity of a website is a huge barrier to a truly successful e-commerce environment. By making available a mechanism for real-time verification of website identities, TrustLogo is a major contributor to achieving such an environment.TrustLogo helps convert website visitors into customers. Within the management area of your account you are able to view feedback on how many customers need to verify your identity on a daily basis, so you can see for yourself how your TrustLogo investment can pay for itself in a matter of days or even hours! None of our competitors can offer you this essential functionality
What is IDAuthority®?
IDAuthority® is a certification based trusted third party operated by Sectigo, the Internet security specialist behind the hugely successful Instant SSL product range and other critical security products and services. The IDAuthority® is a central repository of website identities and the credentials of the entities behind the website. A growing number of applications and services are using the IDAuthority® in order to provide identity assurance to their users. To date, both TrustLogo and TrustToolbar (the browser plug-in for IE) are powered by the IDAuthority® in order to provide trust, confidence and peace of mind through the world's only realtime identity assurance infrastructure.
How many types of TrustLogo® are there?
There are currently three TrustLogo types - each logo is designed to convey a different message to your website visitors:
Card Payment Seal
Official Partners Seal
All Official Comodo Partners Seal are eligible to display the Partners Seal. Like the Dynamic Site ID, website visitors may validate the Partner's authenticity by simply hovering their mouse over the seal.
Site Credentials Premium SSL Site Seal
The SSL Secure Dynamic ID is ideal for any organisation wishing to create confidence and trust with its visitors. The Site Credentials Premium Seal is available in two flavours for both SSL and non-SSL enabled sites. Click here for more product details.
Do I need SSL to display TrustLogo®?
No, TrustLogo provides identity assurance not SSL encryption. TrustLogo is available to websites regardless of whether you employ SSL to secure your site's transactions.
What is special about IDAuthority® and "Real-Time Identity Assurance" ?
Point to Verify®allows website visitors to quickly and easily ascertain the identity of a website without the need to actually click on the TrustLogo itself. More importantly, the details are delivered via the IDAuthority® in real-time. This ensures that the details provided to the website visitor are accurate and valid up to the second. If any details change, or the website should be revoked by the IDAuthority®, the next TrustLogo credentials request will be benefit immediately.
What information will be needed from me?
Display of a TrustLogo delivers a message of your true identity to your website customers. It is essential business practice of Sectigo to fully validate your application and ensure the integrity of the IDAuthority infrastructure. For businesses we will require a copy of your articles of incorporation, business license or DUNS number. For non-business websites please contact
How long does it take to be issued with a TrustLogo ®?
Display of a TrustLogo delivers a message of your true identity to your website customers. It is essential business practice of Sectigo to fully validate your application and ensure the integrity of the IDAuthority infrastructure. For businesses we will require a copy of your articles of incorporation, business license or DUNS number. For non-business websites please contact
How do I implement a TrustLogo ®into my website?
Once your application for a TrustLogo has been approved you will be able to add your TrustLogo to your website. This is achieved by adding some simple JavaScript to the HTML of your website. Please click here for the JavaScript and instructions.
Will my site seal display the flag of my Country?
Your TrustLogo will display the flag of the country you are registered in. Therefore if you are a US company, your Trustlogo will display the US flag.